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空姐空少合拍青岛大片 人美景美颜值爆表

Less air stewardess who co-produced blockbusters Qingdao beauty beauty value burst table

2016-08-24 10:51:12来源: 大众网

青岛新闻网8月23日讯 记忆中的青岛,是夕阳洒在海面上的点点波光;是老城区里斑驳的欧美建筑;是乘着帆船肆意在大海中徜徉;是漫步在八大关,看阳光透过郁郁葱葱的枝桠,海风吹过,道路上呈现的婆娑树影……近...

Qingdao News Network August 23 hearing memory of Qingdao, is the setting sun shines on the sea of little waves; the old city building in Europe and mottled; is riding sailing wanton wander in the sea; a stroll in the mall, watching the sun through the lush branches, the sea breeze blowing, dancing shadows on the road presented ...... near ...