新关注 > 信息聚合 > 邓亚萍获老公表白:求你睡觉别抱球拍 抱抱我呗?

邓亚萍获老公表白:求你睡觉别抱球拍 抱抱我呗?

Deng yaping won the husband say: please don't hold the racket hug me sleeping bai?

2016-09-05 00:56:43来源: 华体网

邓亚萍林志刚夫妇在节目中打乒乓球 讯 奥运冠军邓亚萍和爱人林志刚做客某卫视喜剧类综艺节目,两人的精彩亮相也是引得现场观众热烈掌声,网友惊呼,这对夫妻不光乒乓球打得好,说段子也是世界级的。 节目中,邓亚萍透露当天是两人结婚12周年的特殊日子,林志刚动情地说,“在这个特别的日子要送给邓亚...

Deng yaping zhi-gang Lin couples to play table tennis in the show - Olympic champion deng yaping and lover zhi-gang Lin at a TV comedy variety show, the two wonderful appearance also drew the scene audience warm applause, netizens exclaimed, the couple not only table tennis played well, say jokes are world class. Program, deng yaping said the day is the special day of two people 12 anniversary, zhi-gang Lin said, "on this special day for Deng Ya...