新关注 > 信息聚合 > 模块化骁龙820旗舰 传Moto Z售价2998元起

模块化骁龙820旗舰 传Moto Z售价2998元起

Modular Xiaolong flagship pass Moto Z 820 price 2998 yuan

2016-06-13 08:16:44来源: 中关村在线

中关村在线消息:在前不久召开的Tech World联想创新大会上,摩托罗拉发布了全新的旗舰系列Moto Z系列两款新机。陈旭东表示Moto Z将于9月登陆国内市场,并且售价会低于300元,而有知情网...

Zhongguancun online message: Tech World Lenovo Innovation Conference held recently on Motorola released a new flagship series Moto Z series two new machines. Chen Xudong represents Moto Z will be landing in the domestic market in September, and the price will be less than $ 300, and informed network ...