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4轮下课3教头?超越主帅请辞 董事会尚在研究

4 3 class coach? Beyond the coach's resignation the board is still under study

2016-04-13 22:54:00来源: 新浪

超越主帅柳忠长资料图 新华社大连4月13日体育专电(记者蔡拥军)大连超越俱乐部总经理林乐丰13日证实,球队主教练柳忠长确因身体原因提出辞职,但俱乐部董事会尚在研究,目前没有结论。 大连超越俱乐部在此前的中甲联赛中1胜1平2负积4分,虽排名靠后但未在降级区,对一支新升入中甲、重在保...

Beyond coach Liu Zhong-long data for Dalian Xinhua News Agency April 13 sports news (reporter Cai Yongjun) Dalian beyond the club's general manager Lin Lefeng 13 confirmed team coach Liu Zhong-long indeed resigned due to health reasons, but the club's board is still being studied , there is no conclusion. Dalian beyond previous club in a league in wins and 2 losses with four points, but in the relegation zone, to ascend in a new armor, focusing on insurance, although after ranking on ...