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杭州楼市流行“明星代言” 效果如何其实真不好说

Hangzhou property market popular celebrity endorsements effect how to actually really don't say

2015-08-06 08:09:51来源: 和讯网

近期,知名主持人华少正式签约代言三墩某楼盘。几大知名广播主持人阿亮、孟子等,也集体牵手天阳旗下项目。一时间,这些被代言的楼盘刷了大家的屏,手机上、广播里全有他们的身影。 据悉,这种明星代言楼盘虽...

recently, well-known host China officially signed endorsement of the pier, a real estate. Several well-known radio host A Liang, Mencius, Tianyang's hand also collective project. For a time, these are the properties of the brush to brush the screen, mobile phones, radio, all have their figure. It is reported that this is the star endorsement real estate...