新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小巧更实用 SOYES H1淘宝报价仅238元

小巧更实用 SOYES H1淘宝报价仅238元

More compact practical H1 Taobao quotation of SOYES only 238 yuan

2015-05-08 05:58:33来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线手机频道行情报道)2015年5月8日,SOYES H1(行货)在“SOYES品牌授权淘宝店”报价238元,该机官方配件为:充电器、数据线、说明书、保修卡等,SOYES H1是一款外观小巧...

(Zhongguancun Online mobile phone channel market reports) 2015 May 8, SOYES H1 (licensed) in "brand SOYES authorized Taobao shop offer 238 yuan, the official accessories: charger, data line, that book, warranty card and so on. SOYES H1 is a compact appearance.