新关注 > 信息聚合 > 邓超穿卡通T恤现身机场 走vip通道回家避人耳目

邓超穿卡通T恤现身机场 走vip通道回家避人耳目

Deng Chao wear T shirt with cartoons appeared in the airport VIP channel home unobserved

2015-07-14 05:58:29来源: 中国青年网

邓超 邓超 邓超 邓超 腾讯娱乐讯(图文/CFP)近日,邓超深夜出现在上海虹桥机场。由于早前受到出轨风波的影响。邓超选择走vip通道避人耳目。当天邓超身穿卡通T恤,独自走出通道登上等候在此...

Deng Chao Deng Chao Deng Chao Deng Chao Tencent Entertainment News (photo / CFP) recently, Deng Chao night appeared in Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. Due to the impact of the earlier derailment storm. Deng Chao chose VIP channel elude sb's observation. Day Deng Chao wearing a cartoon T-shirt, alone out of the channel on the waiting here...