新关注 > 信息聚合 > 葵花药业拟收购隆中药业股权 进一步扩大产品群规模

葵花药业拟收购隆中药业股权 进一步扩大产品群规模

Sunflower pharmaceutical intends to acquire Longzhong pharmaceutical equity to further expand product group scale

2015-06-09 19:47:05来源: 和讯网

新华网哈尔滨6月9日电(记者马晓成、王子辰)国内知名制药企业葵花药业(002737,股吧)集团股份有限公司(002737)9日发布公告,公司已经与湖北襄阳隆中药业集团有限公司股东签订了股权收购意向书,拟收购该企业不低于55%股权,成为其控股股东。 据了解,湖北襄阳隆中药业集团有限公司...

Xinhua net in Harbin, June 9 (reporter Ma Xiaocheng, Wang Zichen) domestic well-known pharmaceutical enterprises in sunflower Pharmaceutical (002737, stock it) Group Co., Ltd. (002737) on the 9th release announcement, the company has with the shareholders of the Hubei Xiangyang Longzhong Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. signed a letter of intent to acquire equity, intends to acquire the enterprise not less than 55% share, become the controlling shareholder. It is understood, Hubei long Xiangyang Pharmaceutical Group limited...