新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拳皇97ol扭蛋怎么得 扭蛋获取攻略

拳皇97ol扭蛋怎么得 扭蛋获取攻略

How KOF 97ol minis minis acquisition strategy

2015-10-05 23:54:31来源: 电玩巴士

问:拳皇97ol扭蛋怎么得 扭蛋获取攻略 答: 1. 远征:每天的远征玩法都有一定的几率获取扭蛋,所以千万不要错过,进入远征副本,通关之后可以开启关口奖励,有几率获得扭蛋;但是要玩家50之后...

Q: how KOF 97ol minis Raiders minis to obtain a: 1. Expedition: Daily Crusade gameplay has a chance to get the minis, so don't miss, enter the Crusade dungeon, after the clearance can open mark reward, there is likely to be minis; but the player 50...