新关注 > 信息聚合 > 粤媒:恒大晋级概率7成双冠机会大 鲁能柔性不够

粤媒:恒大晋级概率7成双冠机会大 鲁能柔性不够

Guangdong Media: a rival promotion probability 7 pairs of crown opportunity Luneng flexible enough

2015-10-20 00:59:01来源: 新浪

恒大两员大将备战亚冠 新浪体育讯 北京时间10月19日20:45分,广东体育频道《足球星视界》节目就广州恒大征战亚冠联赛、中超五连冠等热点话题进行了点评,主持人周维嘉表示对广州恒大主场战胜山东鲁...

Hengda of the two generals preparing for the AFC Champions League of sina sports news Beijing standard time on October 19, CET, Guangdong sports channel, the football star vision "program on Guangzhou Hengda battle AFC Champions League, super five consecutive championships and other hot topic reviews, the host Zhou Weijia said of Guangzhou Hengda home victory over Shandong Lu...