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王宝山:战恒大也不放弃拿分机会 新援可上

Wang Baoshan: War constant high also don't give up the chance to get the score of new signings Sina

2015-07-04 18:31:12来源: 新浪

王宝山资料图 新浪体育讯 7月5日,重庆力帆队将在客场挑战广州恒大队,虽然与恒大队实力存在差距,但力帆队主教练王宝山在战前不服水土:球队不会放弃任何能够增加保级积分的机会。 虽然年初经历了转...

Wang Baoshan data chart of sina sports news July 5, and Chongqing Lifan team will in the away game challenges of Guangzhou Heng brigade, although with constant brigade strength there is a gap, but Lifan team coach Wang Baoshan in the pre war refuses to accept the soil water: team will not give up any can increase the chance of relegation integral. Although the beginning of a turn...