新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三菱汽车称燃效测试作弊系为获得政府免税优惠


Mitsubishi Motors said the fuel efficiency test cheat system in order to obtain government tax breaks

2016-04-26 21:10:29来源: 中国新闻网

中新网4月26日电 据日媒26日报道,三菱汽车公司就微型车燃效数据篡改问题向政府相关部门解释称,作弊是为了获得国家环保车减税制度中最高级别的免税认定。此外还获悉,对于被曝燃效测试作弊的4种车型共计62.5万辆车的车主,三菱汽车暂不打算回购汽车,而主要采取补偿汽油费等对策。 三菱汽车2...

BEIJING, April 26, according to Japanese media reported on the 26th, Mitsubishi Motors minicar fuel efficiency data tampering on the issue to the relevant government departments explained that cheating is to obtain national eco-car tax system in the highest level of duty determined. It was also informed that for fuel efficiency test cheating traced four models totaled 625,000 car owners, Mitsubishi Motors intends to repurchase cars temporarily, but mainly to take countermeasures such as compensation for the cost of gasoline. Mitsubishi Motors 2 ...