新关注 > 信息聚合 > 召唤兽特性手动调 “特性封印”系统介绍

召唤兽特性手动调 “特性封印”系统介绍

Summon beast properties manually adjustable characteristics of seal system is introduced

2015-11-16 23:04:56来源: 17173

文章 摘要 召唤兽“特性”正向效果未达到最大值时,玩家可前往仙缘洞天(147,86)御兽仙处封印该特性。玩家可通过喂食“易经丹”逐步解除封印,封印全部解除后,该召唤兽“特性”正向效果可达到最大...

Abstract summon beast "characteristics" positive effect did not reach the maximum value, the player can to Xianyuan Dongtian 147,86 Royal fairy monster to seal the characteristics. Players can feed "Yi Dan" gradual lifting of the seal, seal all removed, the summon beast "characteristics" positive effect can be reached the maximum.