新关注 > 信息聚合 > 乒联公众号曝樊振东单打被拒 马龙携许昕战里约

乒联公众号曝樊振东单打被拒 马龙携许昕战里约

Pinglian public exposure Fan Zhendong number portability singles Xu Xin, Malone rejected war Rio

2016-05-20 14:37:21来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间5月20日消息,国际乒联官方微信公众号今天又爆料,樊振东的单打资格被拒,由许昕顶替。不过,许昕的替补单打资格仍需协会进行确认。 国际乒联(ITTF)官方微博今天中午刚刚发布一条微博:“樊振东单打名额被拒,第二个单打名额到底是属于许昕还是张继科?”并附带了一个文章链...

Ticker May 20 message, the ITTF official micro-channel public number broke the news again today, Singles Qualifying Fan Zhendong is rejected, replaced by the Xu Xin. However, Xu Xin bench Singles Qualifying Association still be confirmed. International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) official microblogging noon today, just released a microblogging: "Fan Zhendong denied singles places, second places in the end are singles Xu Xin, Zhang Jike still?" And comes with a paper chain ...