新关注 > 信息聚合 > 香烟商标收藏中常见的三大热点门类


Cigarette trademark collection of three hot common categories

2016-05-27 17:53:47来源: 新浪

香烟商标在收藏领域内占有一定的位置,由于它五彩缤纷,综合了书法、绘画、摄影、印刷等门类的艺术和技术,因而成为众多集藏者青睐的对象之一。 烟标的主要功能是以传达信息、促进销售为目的,设计者往往采用...

Cigarette trademark in the collection area occupy a certain position, because it is colorful, a combination of calligraphy, painting, photography, printing and other categories of art and technology, which has become one of the favored target of many Jicang. The main function of enlarging is to convey information, for the purpose of promoting sales, designers often use ...