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智能家电“重头戏”下遇尴尬 价格过高渗透率低

Intelligent home appliances under the "grand opera" embarrassed too high permeability low price

2016-05-10 14:06:53来源: 环球网

图/CFP 价格过高 渗透率低 缺标准化 在三大白电巨头的2015年年度报告中,发展智能家电成今年的重头戏之一。但与智能电视等产品相比,智能白电的渗透率很低,价格也较高。 分析人士认为,合理的价格、良好的体验、统一标准和生态建设是目前智能白电发展的四道门槛,价格和体验业内可轻...

Figure/CFP price too high permeability is low Lack of standardization In three great electricity giant, in 2015 annual report, the development of intelligent home appliances into one of the key of this year. But compared with the smart TV, and other products, intelligent white electric permeability is low, the price is higher also. Analysts believe that the reasonable price, good experience, unified standards and ecological construction is the smart white electricity development four threshold, the price and the experience of the industry can be light...