新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南宁进入白蚁飞分期 专家支招探寻屋内是否有白蚁

南宁进入白蚁飞分期 专家支招探寻屋内是否有白蚁

Nanning into the termites fly staging expert action for the house if there are termites

2016-05-11 21:09:56来源: 中国广播网

衣柜出现“白霉” 原是白蚁作祟 南宁市白蚁进入飞分期,专家支4招探寻屋内是否有白蚁 广西新闻网-当代生活报讯(记者 梁乾胜) 这几天,南宁市台湾街宜兰湾小区的冯女士家中遭遇白蚁危机。5月10日,南宁市白蚁防治所工作人员来到她的家里,进行了一场灭蚁行动,冯女士终于露出了笑脸。 “...

White mildew in the wardrobe is termites Nanning termites into flying in installment, experts 4 explores the room if there are termites Guangxi news network - al-hayat contemporary news (reporter Liang Gan) these days, nanning Taiwan street ms feng of yilan bay village of termite danger in the home. On May 10th, nanning termite prevention staff came to her home, had a ant action, Ms. Feng finally smiled. "...