新关注 > 信息聚合 > 7月1日第二十二届中州争霸第二轮活动开启


In July 1st twenty-second Zhongzhou hegemony second round activities open

2015-07-01 19:46:54来源: 新浪

九年精品,百万在线!九年之际重磅推出问道1.56版本决战昆仑!160新等级开启,大型团队副本,异兽熔炼,昆仑神镜穿越洪荒,新地图等等众多玩法齐上线!快与小伙伴们一起来修仙问道!! 第二轮活动时间:...

boutique nine years, millions of online! Nine years on the occasion of the heavy launch of the 1.56 version of the decisive battle Kunlun! 160 new level of open, large copy of the team, the melting of animals, the Kunlun mirror of God through primitive, new maps and so on a number of games are played together online. Fast and small partners to be asked!! Second round activity time:...