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日本高中生自发组建工会 团结对抗“黑兼职”

Japanese high school students the spontaneous formation of solidarity against the "black part-time

2015-08-28 18:17:57来源: 中国新闻网

中新网8月28日电 据日本媒体报道,明明是兼职打工,但考试期间也不能休息,为完成指标还得自掏腰包购买商品。工作任务过重且被强求完成指标,甚至影响学业的“黑兼职”近来已成为日本的一大社会问题。受害范围从大学生甚至蔓延至高中生,最终高中生也自发组建工会以维护权益。日本政府近期将就此展开实际情...

Beijing August 28, according to Japanese media reports, clearly is a part-time job, but during the examination can not rest, to complete the index is out of his own pocket to buy goods. The job is too heavy and is being forced to complete the target, and even affect the study of the "black part time" has become a major social problem in Japan recently. The victim range from college students even spread to high school students, the final high school students also spontaneously formed trade unions to safeguard the interests of the. The Japanese government will launch a practical situation in the near future...