新关注 > 信息聚合 > 扎哈维默认有离开富力想法 为冠军或将选择转会

扎哈维默认有离开富力想法 为冠军或将选择转会

Mr. Harvey has left fuli ideas by default For the title or will move

2016-09-23 03:43:48来源: 华体网

扎哈维:为争冠会考虑转会 最近一段时间,广州富力外援埃兰-扎哈维一直处在舆论的风口浪尖。曾有消息称,扎哈维已经开始谋划赛季结束后另攀高枝,但在周中与广州恒大的足协杯比赛结束后,扎哈维却否认自己有...

Mr. Harvey: for the championship would consider a move in recent period of time, guangzhou r&f foreign aid elamite - pini zahavi has been at the forefront of public opinion. Had the news that Mr. Harvey has begun plotting another PanGaoZhi after the end of the season, but in the weeks after the fa cup match with guangzhou Evergrande, pini zahavi has denied he has a...