新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三岁女娃娃干呕了3个月 原来竟是误吞纽扣电池

三岁女娃娃干呕了3个月 原来竟是误吞纽扣电池

The age of three female doll vomiturition for 3 months The original was swallowed button batteries

2016-09-21 04:23:48来源: 四川新闻网

女童彤彤误吞纽扣电池,食道被烧伤 彤彤在病床上玩耍 (家属供图) 9月18日晚,重庆医科大学附属儿童医院病房内,3岁零9个月的彤彤(化名)在进食流质饮食3个多月后,终于开始和正常人一样吃面。 今年6月初,她的食道内取出一枚和1角硬币大小相近的纽扣电池,电池中漏出的强碱性液体致...

Girls bunch ofred grapes ingestion button battery, esophageal burns Bunch ofred grapes play in bed (families for figure) late on September 18, chongqing medical university affiliated children's hospital ward, 3 years and 9 months of bunch ofred grapes (a pseudonym) in a liquid diet for more than three months, finally began to like normal person eat noodles. Within the esophagus in early June this year, she took out a similar Angle and 1 coin size button batteries, battery leakage in strong alkaline liquid to...