新关注 > 信息聚合 > 恒大晋级将帅狂揽1900万 黄博文点评高拉特:牛X

恒大晋级将帅狂揽1900万 黄博文点评高拉特:牛X

A rival promotion generals maddening LVL 19 million Bowen commented: 19 million cattle X

2015-05-28 09:58:34来源: 新浪

恒大真大腿高拉特 数字 胜利价值1900万 按照恒大本赛季亚冠奖金方案,亚冠每晋级一轮额外奖金1000万元,每场比赛赢球奖金为300万元,每净胜一球奖励300万元,因此昨晚这场2∶0的胜利,...

Hengda Real thigh LVL digital victory value according to Hengda this season's AFC Champions bonus scheme, AFC Champions League every promotion round an additional bonus of 1000 million yuan, every game to win the bonus for 300 million yuan, each winning a ball to reward 300 million yuan, so last night the 2: 0 victory,...