新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武汉市硚口区加强应对渍水健康提示及宣传(图)


Enhance the promotion of cope with wet health tips, and wuhan Qiao estuary (figure)

2016-07-06 23:49:06来源: 荆楚网

图为:宣传折页 图为:宣传折页 荆楚网消息(记者 牛晋阳 通讯员 张梅)7月6日,武汉遭遇雷暴雨袭击,城区多区域、多路段渍水。为提升群众应对渍水卫生意识、方便群众掌握应对措施,硚口区各社区卫生...

The graph is: propaganda folding The graph is: propaganda folding News of network of chaste tree hunan (reporter NiuJinYang correspondent Zhang Mei) on July 6, wuhan thunderstorm attacks, urban area, road waterlogged. In order to promote the masses to waterlogged health consciousness, convenient masses control measures, Qiao estuary each community health...