新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汽车品牌营销如何突出重围


Automobile brand marketing to highlight day siege

2015-02-12 08:04:24来源: 中国新闻网

距离春节来临的日子现在可以倒计时了,春晚以及各卫视的春晚也在紧锣密鼓筹备中,而春晚期间的广告或宣传成为了兵家必争之地,甚至已有一些汽车品牌开始预热。 事实上,春晚期间各大品牌的实际投入和传播效果之间的产出比例无法测算。即使这样,各大汽车品牌也争先恐后加入到春晚的营销大战中。汽车品牌的...

distance spring festival can now be the countdown, the Spring Festival Evening Gala and the TV was also wildly beating gongs and drums in preparation, and the Spring Festival Gala during military advertising or publicity has become a hotly contested spot, even some car brand to start preheating. In fact, the Spring Festival evening during the period between each big brand communication effects of the actual input and output ratio cannot be calculated. Even so, each big automobile brands also fall over each other to join the Spring Festival Gala marketing war. Automobile brand...