新关注 > 信息聚合 > 农业部:8月份全国农业农村经济继续平稳运行


The ministry of agriculture: national agricultural rural economy continue to run smoothly in August

2016-09-19 23:48:33来源: 人民网

人民网北京9月19日电 (王子侯)记者从农业部获悉,8月份全国农业农村经济继续呈现平稳运行态势,主要体现在生产形势稳定、市场量足价稳、加工业持续向好、贸易逆差继续收窄等方面。全国农产品批发价格指数环...

People's Beijing on September 19 (Wang Zihou) the reporter learns from the ministry of agriculture, national agricultural rural economy continue to appear smooth running in August, mainly in the production stability, market volume full price stability, processing industry continues to improve, the trade deficit continue to narrow, etc. The national agricultural products wholesale price index ring...