新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宜家西安很多年轻顾客排队1小时只为买个1元甜筒


IKEA, Xi'an, many young customers queuing 1 hours just to buy a $1 cone

2015-10-21 08:22:35来源: 新浪陕西

原标题:迎接你,西安用啥姿态? ——宜家消费目击记 千呼万唤,年轻人心目中的瑞典家居品牌宜家今年8月终于落户西安。开业首日,西安宜家的进店人数就达到了4.5万人次,这一数字同时也刷新了西安各大商...

original title: welcome you, Xi'an with what attitude? Time and again IKEA -- the witnessing of consumption, the eyes of young people in Sweden in August this year Home Furnishing brand IKEA finally settled in xi'an. On the first day of the opening, the number of stores in Xi'an IKEA reached 45000 people, this figure also set up a large business in Xi'an...