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切尔西选帅曝重磅目标 曼联曝0价签伊布

Chelsea Xuanshuai exposure pounds Manchester United target exposure 0 price tag Ibrahimovic Sina

2015-10-30 21:21:12来源: 新浪

阿布钦点三冠教头替穆帅 切尔西本赛季战绩非常糟糕,这使得穆里尼奥的帅位变得风雨飘摇。日前,意大利天空体育电视台便透露,切尔西已经将孔蒂列为选帅目标。明年夏天,这位曾在尤文图斯有过不错执教成绩的教...

Abu picked Triple Crown coach for Mourinho at Chelsea this season is very bad, which makes Mourinho's position became precarious. Recently, Italy Sky Sports Television revealed, Chelsea has named Conti as Xuanshuai target. Next summer, the former Juventus have had a good teaching results in the teaching...