新关注 > 信息聚合 > 包打听解密狮驼岭的种种传说


All kinds of legends about

2015-06-08 20:48:15来源: 17173

领取要求:等级≥130。 领取地点:大唐境外(208,102)张猎户。 任务背景:大唐境外百姓突然有传言,狮驼岭众妖最近行踪诡秘,不知密谋什么阴谋,你偷偷潜入狮驼岭打听,却被二大王和三大王捉...

packet decryption camel ridge receive more than 130 grade requirements. Collect place: outside Datang (208102) Zhang Liehu. Background task: Datang overseas people suddenly there are rumors, lion camel ridge Lich recently whereabouts, I do not know the plot what plot, you sneaking into the lions camel ridge inquire about, but was king and three King catch...