新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海丝路上有福舟 搭建旅游经济发展新平台

海丝路上有福舟 搭建旅游经济发展新平台

The Sea Silk Road blessed boat build tourism economy development of new platform

2015-11-17 17:21:25来源: 千龙

近日,由国家旅游局、福建省人民政府主办,福州市人民政府、福建省旅游局承办的首届“海上丝绸之路”(福州)国际旅游节在海峡国际会展中心隆重启幕。 本届旅游节以“海丝路上有福舟”为主题,来自全世界近30...

recently, sponsored by the National Tourism Administration, Fujian Province People's government, the Fuzhou Municipal People's government, the Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau hosted the first "maritime Silk Road" (Fuzhou) International Tourism Festival in international Straits will Exhibition Center Grand curtain. The current tourism festival to the "Sea Silk Road on the blessed boat" as the theme, from around the world nearly 30...