新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重组猜测再发酵 联通年内三度否认与电信合并

重组猜测再发酵 联通年内三度否认与电信合并

Re guess fermentation Unicom recently years third degree denied and telecom merger

2015-11-23 08:00:20来源: 中国网

近日,一份关于“中国联通将与中国电信在网络建设领域合作”的文件流传。关于联通电信合并重组的猜测再次发酵。昨日,新京报记者收到中国联通官方回应称,此类事宜与合并重组无关。 联通称系落实监管部门共建共享要求 据了解,文件是中国联通一份红头文件《关于成立“网络建设领域深度合作”工作组的...

, a documentary about the "China Unicom will work with China Telecom in the field of network construction" spread. Speculation about China Unicom Telecom mergers and restructuring again. Yesterday, the Beijing News reporter received an official response to China Unicom, said the issue has nothing to do with the merger and reorganization. China Unicom said the Department to implement the regulatory authorities to build and share requirements, it is understood that the file is China Unicom, a red head file, on the establishment of a network of deep cooperation in the construction of the working group...