新关注 > 信息聚合 > 济南市下月起所有建筑工地都要配备自动喷淋系统


Jinan next month on all construction sites must be equipped with automatic sprinkler system

2016-09-26 19:50:26来源: 大众网

为了降低扬尘污染,我市部分工地用上了立体降尘“神器”——自动喷淋系统。下一步,这种设备将在全市所有工地推广使用 工地扬尘污染是影响空气质量的一个重要因素,为了降低扬尘污染,我市部分工地用上了立体降尘...

In order to reduce the dust pollution, the city part of the site using the stereo dust "artifact" - automatic sprinkler system. Next, this kind of equipment will be used widely in all sites in the city Construction site dust pollution is an important factor affecting the quality of the air, in order to reduce the dust pollution, the city part of the site using the stereo dust...