新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小舒梅切尔或因肌肉伤势缺席与曼联的比赛


Little Peter schmeichel or muscle injury absence with Manchester united

2016-09-23 03:43:48来源: 华体网

体育9月22日讯 莱斯特城主帅拉涅利担心主力门将小舒梅切尔无法赶上与曼联的比赛。 由于训练中受伤丹麦国门缺席了莱斯特城过去两场比赛,本周四小舒梅切尔又在训练场上遭遇了肌肉问题。小舒梅切尔曾在国家队...

Sports on September 22 - leicester city manager claudio ranieri worry small goalkeeper Peter schmeichel couldn't catch up with the game against Manchester united. Due to injury in training the Danish goalkeeper missed the leicester city in the past two games, four small schmeichel again at the training ground this week suffered a muscle problem. Little Peter schmeichel was in the national team...