新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杨阳洋首次考试98分 杨威:有进步的空间

杨阳洋首次考试98分 杨威:有进步的空间

Yang Yangyang exam 98 points for the first time Yang wei: there is room for improvement

2016-09-23 08:14:15来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 9月22日晚,杨威通过微博晒儿子杨阳洋第一次考试的成绩,并配图写道:“人生第一次考试,虽然没有拿到100分,但还有进步的空间。很好,这很杨阳洋!”照片中,杨阳洋举着考试卷,分数一览显示9...

Sina entertainment inquiry late on September 22, Yang wei through weibo Yang Yangyang son bask in the result of the examination for the first time, and illustrated wrote: "the life test for the first time, although there is no get 100 points, but there is still room for improvement. Very good, this is Yang Yangyang!" In this photo, Yang Yangyang holding examination paper, scores in display 9...