新关注 > 信息聚合 > 季风 季丰2016——美术学院毕业生作品提名展开幕

季风 季丰2016——美术学院毕业生作品提名展开幕

Monsoon JiFeng 2016 - the academy of fine arts graduates for the tent

2016-07-17 02:48:05来源: 新浪

展览现场 一年一度的美术学院毕业季作品诠释着毕业生们对艺术的理解与感悟,体现着他们对社会发展变化的敏锐洞察、人生的深刻体验以及对美好生活的向往。经过在高等艺术学府中的深造和蓄积,刚刚迈出校门的美...

Exhibition site The annual season academy of fine arts graduate work in the graduates' understanding of art and comprehension, they embody the development and changes of society keen insight, the profound experience of life and the yearning for a better life. After further education in the higher art education and accumulation, has just the beauty of a school...