新关注 > 信息聚合 > 登巴巴抵达卡塔尔进医院检查 进行简单恢复训练

登巴巴抵达卡塔尔进医院检查 进行简单恢复训练

Arrived in Qatar to hospital inspection, baba for simple resume training

2016-08-02 23:34:41来源: 网易

网易体育8月2日报道: 8月1日凌晨0点05分,登巴巴及其家人搭乘EK303航班前往卡塔尔,在那里进行康复治疗。在抵达卡塔尔后,登巴巴前往医院检查,他已经开始进行简单的恢复训练。 在从ICU重症...

On August 2, netease sports coverage: early in the morning on August 1, 0, head of the baba and his family on EK303 flight heading to Qatar, where for rehabilitation. After arrived in Qatar, she went to a hospital checking, he has begun a simple return to training. In the severe from the ICU...