新关注 > 信息聚合 > 古巴小学生贴身热舞尺度大 网友:不堪入目

古巴小学生贴身热舞尺度大 网友:不堪入目

Cuban schoolchildren close dancing scale Net friend: ugly

2016-04-16 01:57:32来源: 环球网

古巴小学生贴身热舞尺度大。 孩子们舞蹈动作露骨,尺度惊人。 【环球网综合报道】据英国《每日邮报》4月13日报道,近日,4个古巴小孩穿着校服,跳贴身热舞的视频在网上流传。孩子们舞蹈动作露骨,尺度惊人,引起了网民的愤怒。该视频拍摄于古巴中心城市卡马圭。据当地媒体报道,视频的拍摄者是其中...

Cuban schoolchildren close dancing scale. The children dance moves explicit, staggering scale. Comprehensive report 】 【 the web according to the British "daily mail" reported on April 13, recently, the four Cuban children dressed in school uniforms, jump close dancing video on the Internet. The children dance moves explicit, scale, cause the anger of Internet users. The video was taken in Cuba central city camaguey. According to local media reports, is the photographer of the video...