新关注 > 信息聚合 > 多特将士大秀中国书法 罗德夺冠尾灯作弊被揭穿

多特将士大秀中国书法 罗德夺冠尾灯作弊被揭穿

More, the big Chinese calligraphy show honor Rod title taillight cheating was exposed

2016-07-25 20:26:04来源: 网易

网易体育7月25日报道: 当曼彻斯特双雄在北京陷入比赛取消的尴尬后,德甲劲旅多特蒙德却在上海享受着中国行。在迎战曼城前,多特将士在上海好不快活,不仅在多个著名景点体验了一番,而且还参加了一次队内“...

Netease sports July 25: when Manchester masters in Beijing after the cancellation of the match embarrassment, the bundesliga giants borussia Dortmund have enjoyed Chinese line in Shanghai. In front of the city, many soldiers in Shanghai very not happy, not only in a number of famous scenic spot experience, but also took part in a team "...