新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016安卓机皇就它了:华硕ZenFone 3尊爵

2016安卓机皇就它了:华硕ZenFone 3尊爵

2016 android machine emperor it: asus ZenFone 3 zunjue

2016-09-24 13:57:39来源: 中关村在线

提到华硕手机,除了坚若磐石的品质之外,对于领先科技的不懈追求也是它们一直屹立行业的原因。我只举一个例子:现在市面上很多旗舰智能机都把4GB RAM作为标配,可谁还记得首款4GB RAM的智能机是谁出...

Mention asus cell phone, in addition to rock-solid quality, leading to unremitting pursuit of science and technology is why they have been standing industry. I can only give you an example: now on the market a lot of flagship smartphones are 4 gb of RAM as the standard, but who still remember who is the first 4 gb of RAM smartphone out...

标签: 安卓