新关注 > 信息聚合 > 名媛茜茜演绎百变时尚 示范最in高贵搭配

名媛茜茜演绎百变时尚 示范最in高贵搭配

The most amazing fashion ladies sissy deduction demonstration in noble collocation

2016-05-31 13:02:23来源: 人民网

近日,名媛茜茜现身上海高端买手店JD stutio,并拍摄了五组高清大片。 写真中茜茜身着黑色高定露肩连体裤,时尚品味尽显。一袭颇具时尚镂空感的黑色套装,茜茜hold起来也是毫无压力,高贵名媛范...

Recently, high-end buyers shop in Shanghai socialite sissy JD stutio, and took five groups of HD movies. Portrait of sissy dressed in black Strapless Jumpsuit set high fashion show. A fashion sense of hollow black suit, sissy hold together is no pressure, noble ladies...