新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《洛奇》十周年玩家见面会 十年欢乐不断

《洛奇》十周年玩家见面会 十年欢乐不断

"Rocky" ten anniversary game player will meet ten years continuously

2015-12-21 14:14:19来源: 天极网

2015年12月19日,来自五湖四海的米莱西安齐聚上海Mao Live house,一同为珍爱了十年的大型动漫网游《洛奇》庆祝十岁生日。 活动现场欢笑声不断,米莱西安们一起回顾《洛奇》经典,一起...

2015 in December 19th, the Xi'an from all corners of the country gathered in Shanghai Mao Live house Miley together for ten years, cherish the large anime online "Rocky" to celebrate the ten birthday. The event of laughter, Miley Xi'an together to review the "Rocky" classic, together...