新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国新歌声哈林失控飙泪 精彩现场酷狗同步放送

中国新歌声哈林失控飙泪 精彩现场酷狗同步放送

China's new song tears out of control of harlem Cool dog synchronization and pored over wonderful scene

2016-09-02 02:11:55来源: 中国日报网

本周五晚,《中国新歌声》将迎来五强争霸战哈林战队专场,哈林也请来乐坛小魔女范晓萱作为战队的助阵导师,本周酷狗将第一时间为大家呈现哪十首音乐现场呢,一起来看看剧透王爆料的学员对战歌单: 阿克江《让...

On Friday night, "China's new song" will usher in five battle harlem clan, harlem small hag mavis fan music as a team, please also supporting her mentor, cool dog this week will be the first time for everyone present which ten music scene, take a look at plot revealed cadets broke the warsong single wang: gram jiang "let...