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炼金单刷四人大冰龙 附加点和纹章推荐

Gold single brush four ice dragon attach points and crest of National People's Congress is recommended

2016-10-07 13:25:13来源: 多玩游戏

时隔两个月,炼金觉醒终于登陆国服了 ,借了露露的号打了次大冰做个手法参考,13分多,一半时间在踢球(还踢的极为手残),可以再快,省换血什么的,不过不是竞速视频嘛 算了。 视频: BGM:LP...

Awakening after two months, gold has finally landed the clothes, borrowed lulu do a dozen times big ice technique reference number, more than 13 points, half the time in playing (also played very hand residual), can be quickly, save changes what of, but not the only racing video calculation. Video: BGM: LP...