新关注 > 信息聚合 > 24张/秒高速连拍! 索尼发布RX100V相机

24张/秒高速连拍! 索尼发布RX100V相机

24 exposures/s high speed even on! SONY releasing RX100V camera

2016-10-07 00:33:58来源: 中关村在线

还在过国庆假期,索尼发布了全新的黑卡相机RX100 V。新一代的黑卡RX100具备了更强的连拍速度以及更为优异的慢动作视频拍摄能力。相机的连拍速度达到24张/秒,此外还可以拍摄960fps的1080...

Also in the National Day holiday, SONY has released new black card camera RX100 V. A new generation of black card RX100 have stronger continuous shooting speed and more superior ability of slow motion video shooting. Camera shoot 24 / SEC, and also can take 960 FPS 1080...

标签: 索尼