新关注 > 信息聚合 > 自制月饼调查:微生物超标 卫生状况堪忧

自制月饼调查:微生物超标 卫生状况堪忧

Homemade cakes survey: microbial paint health care

2016-09-15 11:18:59来源: 中国青年网

9月11日,东单,一号月饼培养基内出现细菌(盒内小白点)。新京报记者 薛珺 摄 9月11日,东单,6种待检月饼检测微生物含量。新京报记者 薛珺 摄 近期,国家食药监总局专项抽检品牌月饼,发现仍...

On September 11, dongdan, one moon cakes in bacteria in the culture medium (white dots) inside the box. The Beijing news reporter Xue Jun taken on September 11, dongdan, 6 kinds of waiting for the moon cake to detect the contents of microbe. The Beijing news reporter Xue Jun taken recently, total bureau of national food drug safety special sampling brand moon cakes, found...