新关注 > 信息聚合 > 皇马西甲16连胜平巴萨纪录 瓜帅做到了齐祖也能

皇马西甲16连胜平巴萨纪录 瓜帅做到了齐祖也能

Spanish Real Madrid 16 even Guardiola Barcelona record Shengping do Zidane can

2016-09-19 10:29:30来源: 新浪

齐达内的皇马取得了16连胜 新浪体育讯 “皇马就是一台赢球的机器!”在新“银河战舰”2比0战胜西班牙人后,西班牙《马卡报》打出了这样的标题。现在,齐达内和他的弟子们拥有自己的纪录了:皇马已经取得...

Zidane's Real Madrid made 16 game winning streak sina sports news, Real Madrid is a winning machine!" In the new "the Milky Way battleship" 2 to 0 victory over Spain, Spain "Marca" hit the headlines. Now, Zidane and his disciples have a record of their own: Real Madrid has made...