新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩媒:中国欢迎韩国人才的流入 高薪挖“韩国农夫”

韩媒:中国欢迎韩国人才的流入 高薪挖“韩国农夫”

Korean media: China welcomes the influx of South Korean people paid digging "Korean farmer"

2016-02-04 13:20:54来源: 环球网


South Korea, "Asian Daily" February 2 article, the original title: "go Chinese farmer", "1-9-5", the treatment given by the company China South Korean semiconductor companies to poach talent from that: the current annual salary of nine times guarantee 5 years. Qualifications slightly lower talent is given "1-5-3" treatment, that is five times the annual salary of the current three-year guarantee. In addition, it also provides high-end residential and vehicles, and to finance their children's school fees on international high school. Chinese way to attract talent ...