新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魅蓝Max手机发布 商务风格售价1699元!

魅蓝Max手机发布 商务风格售价1699元!

Spirit's blue Max mobile release price 1699 yuan business style!

2016-09-05 16:03:39来源: 站长之家

TechWeb报道 今天下午,魅族在北京国家会议中心发布了魅蓝Max手机,这款产品在正式发布之前已经得到了一定曝光,不过只有一部分内容,比如长续航、针对商务进行了设计,现在它终于完整的展现在我们面前...

TechWeb reported This afternoon, meizu at Beijing national convention center released the spirit's blue Max mobile phone, the product before the formal release has got some exposure, but only part of the content, such as long life, has carried on the design for business, now it is finally complete show in front of us...