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送冬衣 暖冬日(点赞中国·随手拍)

Sent winter clothes warm winter day (point Like · Readily beat China)

2016-01-09 17:01:12来源: 人民网

“冬日暖阳”冬衣捐赠山区儿童活动日前在杭州市崇文实验学校进行。学生们把捐赠的冬衣、文具、图书等装进1383只“小海燕”爱心包,并在标签上贴心地写好衣服的尺码、想对山区伙伴说的话等,包裹之后被送往四川山区。 自2013年起,上海市人口福利基金会格桑与兰公益基金与杭州市崇文实验学校一起推...

"Winter Sun" Children mountain winter clothes donated recently in Hangzhou Chongwen experimental schools. The students of the donated winter clothing, stationery, books and other packed 1383 "Little Swallow" Love package and posted on the label carefully written size clothes, wanted to say so on the Mountain Partnership, after the package was sent to the mountains of Sichuan. Since 2013, the Shanghai Population Welfare Foundation and blue Kelsang public funds and Experimental School in Hangzhou Chongwen pushed together ...