新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《机动战士敢达OL》:忠于题材的高达游戏


"Mobile Suit Gundam OL:" be loyal to the theme of the Gundam game

2015-01-16 17:45:10来源: 新浪

机动战士敢达 CGWR 得分 CGWR:194 位 CGWR介绍 可能是因为有了成功运营《SD敢达OL》的经验,九游在今年又拿下了在高达游戏中也算比较冷门的网游《机动战士高达OL》,虽然两者的游戏形式大致相同,但在取材和画面上却有着天壤之别,后者纯粹的以0079为题材也许对于国内...

Mobile Suit Gundam CGWR score of CGWR:194 CGWR introduction may be because of the successful operation of "SD Gundam OL" experience, the nine tour and scored in the Gundam game is also unpopular net swims "Gundam up to OL" in this year, although the two forms of the game are roughly the same, but the material source and the picture has a world of difference, the latter is purely to 0079 for the theme perhaps for domestic...

标签: 游戏