新关注 > 信息聚合 > 东芝召回10万台笔记本 电池有风险

东芝召回10万台笔记本 电池有风险

Toshiba recalled 100000 laptop battery has a risk

2016-04-03 16:01:09来源: 天极网

【天极网IT新闻频道】正在使用东芝笔记本的用户请注意,如果你的笔记本序列号和下文中相同,请联系离您最近的冬至售后。 据外媒报道,由于所用锂离子电池存在过热及熔化风险,东芝在日前宣布召回高达10万台笔记本电脑。 这些安装了问题电池的笔记本电脑,涉及东芝多个系列的39个型号产品。据了...

News channel 】 【 yesky IT is using Toshiba laptop users, please note that if your laptop serial number and below is the same, please contact your nearest winter solstice after-sales. According to foreign media reports, as a result of the lithium ion battery of the risk of overheating and melting of Toshiba in the recently announced a recall of 100000 laptop. These installed laptop batteries, involving the Toshiba multiple series of 39 models products. According to the...